Freebie – “The Dip” by Marketing Guru Seth Godin

Seth Godin made a stop in Tempe, AZ today to talk about his new book "The Dip". From what he mentioned, "The Dip" is about understanding when to quit a pursuit, and knowing when to seek out the barriers (the dips) and overcome them. As a gift, attendees ...

Save Time And Stay Current With A Feed Reader

I started using a feed reader 3 months ago and it has been a godsend. Forgive me if I'm preaching to the choir, but a feed reader can truly make life much easier if you keep up with multiple sites on a regular basis. Benefits Most websites relay newly published content ...

Some Comments About the iPhone Unveiling Presentation

I apologize if the title is a bit misleading; this post is about the actual presentation that was given by Steve Jobs, and not the iPhone itself... if that makes any sense? Would I be brash in proclaiming that Steve Jobs is to presentations what Micheal Jordan is to the game ...

The FruitGuys – Changing the World One Apple at a Time

Imagine rolling into the office every week and instead of clogging your arteries with junk from the vending machine, you're able to raid and pillage a big box of fresh, healthy, and delicious fruit. Well The FruitGuys have set out to enable office dwellers to do just that by ...

5 Steps to PowerPoint Presentation Enlightenment

I've been around this great big world of PowerPoint presentations for almost 10 years now, yet only recently have I come to realize the true path to PowerPoint presentation enlightenment... "The true path to PowerPoint presentation enlightenment is to realize that PowerPoint is a tool that's intended to enhance your presentation, ...

301 Redirects for WordPress

Updated: PHP code has been updated after realizing that some of the code had been stripped by the WordPress WYSIWYG editor. As I mentioned in my The Great Thing About Blogging post, I made the mistake of assigning multiple URL's to this site in an attempt to make it easier for ...

nPost – A Goldmine of Entrepreneur Interviews!

I started posting interviews on The Closet Entrepreneur because 1) I thought it would be a cool way to meet successful & up and coming Entrepreneurs, 2) I wanted to discover the intricacies of starting a business from individuals who had already done so, and 3) I wanted to share ...

Part-time Paradise?

This Fall will mark my one year anniversary working part-time. I was tinkering with the idea of leaving work entirely to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams, so I consider myself very fortunate to have an understanding manager who was willing to make a win-win situation out of it all and ...