May 31, 2006
I still remember hearing stories about Intel employees "Calling in Rich"; it was actually a recruiting advantage to talk about Intel stock back in 2000. Nowadays, it's surprising to see the stock down to 2002 levels (post dot-bomb era). When I see the stock performance versus AMD, several ...
May 30, 2006
It is always exciting to receive comments and email from Closet Entrepreneur readers, so I thought that I would break my recent 15-day "blogfast" by sharing some fan mail and comments that I have received over the past few days!
Mark from writes...
Hey, Tomas, here's something to blog about:
what do ...
May 15, 2006
I've been using Performancing for a month and a half now and like the blog statistics service. First of all it's free to use and has a decent user interface, although I will admit that Mint's look and feel has me thinking about trying them out one of these ...
May 11, 2006
This Fall will mark my one year anniversary working part-time. I was tinkering with the idea of leaving work entirely to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams, so I consider myself very fortunate to have an understanding manager who was willing to make a win-win situation out of it all and ...
May 9, 2006
I'm actually an Arizona native (from what I hear, that's rare?) and a small town guy; my graduating class was only 98 students and that included a few kids that were held back a year. I moved up to Tempe in 1994, departed for Tucson in 1995, then returned ...
May 1, 2006
You may be wondering why I'm bringing you April's Entrepreneur of the Month on May 1st. In a nutshell, the interview with Ward Andrews, a.k.a. Mister Shape, has been painstakingly edited and revised - an attribute that lies at the very heart of Mister Shape's business and design philosophy. ...