Performancing Metrics

I’ve been using Performancing for a month and a half now and like the blog statistics service. First of all it’s free to use and has a decent user interface, although I will admit that Mint’s look and feel has me thinking about trying them out one of these days (exhibition provided by Mister Shape). The other reason I like Performancing is because they have some very nice posts about everything blog related. Their main aim is to help bloggers succeed, so there are plenty of posts with tips and social commentary on how to become a successful blogger. Some of my favorite posts so far have been linked below.

I would definitely recommend them if you’re looking for a free service that takes blogging seriously. (A helpful bit of advice for all you WordPress users is to download and install their WordPress plug-in which helps to differentiate visits from users with various levels of authority, and visits to your homepage versus visits to the first post that shows up when visiting your site)

The Closet Entrepreneur

» This entry was filed under General


  1. Superman making a stop in Brasil

    So what’s this? I go to Brasil for 2+ weeks and you don’t post anything new for me to read when I finally happen to check up on a few sites. I’m expecting to see something new here June 1 when I check again. 🙂

  2. TOMAS

    Oh man, I seriously thought that you would get caught up chasing a Brazilian bombshell to not notice my complacency! 😉 Actually, I have several posts that are in the process of being written so expect something by June 1st!

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