Record a Phone Conversation on the Cheap!

I'm about to admit a dark secret that I've kept for many years; I've used a computer mic to record phone conversations! Before you erase me from your contacts, just know that the person being interviewed had full knowledge of what I was doing. Now, if you've ever tried to record a ...

The FruitGuys – Changing the World One Apple at a Time

Imagine rolling into the office every week and instead of clogging your arteries with junk from the vending machine, you're able to raid and pillage a big box of fresh, healthy, and delicious fruit. Well The FruitGuys have set out to enable office dwellers to do just that by ...

iBegin – Local Search That Works

Back in April, I posted about Ahmed Farooq's up and coming online "local search" contender - iBegin. What initially drew me to the site was the iBegin: The Craigslist of local search Digg article which at the time was receiving plenty of "diggs" and praise from the technical and ...

nPost – A Goldmine of Entrepreneur Interviews!

I started posting interviews on The Closet Entrepreneur because 1) I thought it would be a cool way to meet successful & up and coming Entrepreneurs, 2) I wanted to discover the intricacies of starting a business from individuals who had already done so, and 3) I wanted to share ...

April Entrepreneur of the Month!

You may be wondering why I'm bringing you April's Entrepreneur of the Month on May 1st. In a nutshell, the interview with Ward Andrews, a.k.a. Mister Shape, has been painstakingly edited and revised - an attribute that lies at the very heart of Mister Shape's business and design philosophy. ...

Got Skills, Get Myzoox

Although my condo renovation has been a bit of a nightmare, it has also served as a source of many interesting findings. One such finding is that there is a lot of money to be saved if I only had connections with people who did things on the side. ...

Talking Trash

Back in January, I came across the Junk Guys while looking for an appliance removal service for my condo renovation. One of the guys who showed up was Matt Montoya, cofounder of the Junk Guys and a former manager at an auto glass company. Matt and his brothers-in-law ...

March Entrepreneur of the Month!

On Sunday February 19th, I had the pleasure of having an impromptu interview with BrainFuel's own Chris 'Superman' Tingom. For those of you who haven't met Mr. Tingom, he's the creative genius behind Tornado Design and Brainfuel. When he's not 'Blueprinting' websites for clients, he's posting some of the most ...
