April 10, 2008
Updated 04/10/2008 with MySpace and Viddler links - If you've enjoyed the articles on this blog and would like to network with The Closet Entrepreneur, then feel free to add me as a friend on your social networking site of choice! Or, if you've been contemplating using Twitter, Facebook, ...
March 31, 2008
I could tell you that Intel never valued its employees and was a mediocre company at best. I could also tell you that I hated Intel so much that my last day consisted of thrashing apart a printer and extorting millions through a malicious virus. Yet the truth ...
March 14, 2008
For some, the thought of writing a business plan is as pleasant as the stomach flu, yet the truth is that a business plan shares more in common with a diary and a to-do list than it does with a college term paper. So, break out that favorite pen ...
February 17, 2008
I'm trying to be more organized and clutter free this year, so I decided to clean up this blog with a shiny new theme. If you can't remember what the previous theme looked like, you can view it here.
Without going into great detail, I eliminated all the extra sidebar ...
January 23, 2008
*UPDATE: The calendar has been updated for 2009 and is available for download here: 2009 Work Week Calendar.
Every year, my employer provides badge-sized calendars to help countdown the days until the next holiday. Seeing how giddy my coworkers get when they receive their free calendar, I thought it might ...
January 12, 2008
This post is already two weeks late so lets get down to business! First of all, I just wanted to thank everyone who was kind enough to subscribe to this blog in 2007! Either 1) you hit the subscribe button by accident, 2) my incessant begging broke you ...