A new look for 2008! What do you think?

photo credit: since76

I’m trying to be more organized and clutter free this year, so I decided to clean up this blog with a shiny new theme. If you can’t remember what the previous theme looked like, you can view it here.

Without going into great detail, I eliminated all the extra sidebar links and am showing post snippets on the homepage for easy browsing. Ultimately, I want readers to find what they need as quickly as possible, then get on with their lives. By the way, the sidebar is a bit light on useful links at the moment but will be updated soon.

So now it’s your turn, what can I do to make your visit better?


I wanted a retro feel – imagine Napoleon Dynamite’s home office – so I chose cork board, tacky wallpaper, and some old school Dymo embossing labels. If there is a way to incorporate a 5.25″ floppy, I will. By the way, the light bulb is supposed to be a button, like the kind you wear on your shirt… then pin up on a cork board… yep.

Of course, I couldn’t have done any of this on my own so here are all the individuals, resources, and tools that made this theme possible:

So what do you think?

The Closet Entrepreneur

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  1. Now I know the reason of your absence for a quite long time, I did not see new post. You prepared the new design. Anyway, I like this new look…I think periodic design changing is good.

  2. TOMAS

    Thanks Daniel! And yes, I did spend some time and energy on this new theme since I had to relearn some WordPress code and css styling.


  3. Hi Tomas:

    The new design looks great!


  4. TOMAS

    ¡Muchas gracias Senior Chris! 😀

  5. Nice new theme Tomas! It’s nice to switch it up and rearrange the furniture from time to time 🙂

  6. TOMAS

    Thanks Mark, and congrats on all the good stuff that you’ve been putting out on Search-This! I always look forward to seeing new posts in my feed reader from your crew.


  7. Excellent theme, although I liked the other also. This one seems a bit more professional. Congratulations.

  8. TOMAS

    Thanks for the feedback Mark L, I was hoping that it might strike people as being a little more professional!

  9. This design is excellent. I like the header at the top, and you’ve done a great job with the usability. It says what it is right off the bat, the categories are used in an intelligent way, and you’ve got a good combo of wordpress plugins to make this pretty usable. Props, Tomas!

  10. TOMAS

    Thanks for the ‘props’ and feedback Josh! Oh, and see you at the next PACT meet up!


  11. I not only like the design, but the content is even better. DIY Entrepreneurship has my vote and I will definitely blogroll it on my blog about our favorite topic on revenuweb.info.

  12. TOMAS

    @Theo, thanks for the vote of confidence! I’ll be making some ‘tweaks’ to the theme to make some of the more popular articles easier to find, so stay tuned. 🙂

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