Work Week 11 Wrap Up

  • The Entrepreneur of the Month club has another member in its midst. Mister Shape has been selected as the Entrepreneur of the Month for April, so stay tuned for the interview!
  • I had a phone interview today with Aaron Paul, cofounder and Chief Marketing Officer of myzoox. Look for the featured post to be up shortly (I’m typing up the article as we speak).
  • ASU Technopolis is offering a Launch Prep Entrepreneurship Course for aspiring entrepreneurs. According to the site, “LPEC is an interactive introduction of basic start-up and management concepts for first-time innovators and entrepreneurs. The course covers all aspects of starting, funding and growing early-stage companies, and is facilitated by seasoned and experienced entrepreneurs.” You can find out more information about LPEC at the Technopolis website:
  • While on the topic of ASU, on March 10th Google announced plans to open an office on ASU’s campus as part of its effort to build out a Phoenix-area operation. You can find out more on the ASU News website.

The Closet Entrepreneur

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  1. Awesome! Mister Shape is cool. I really like how you’re doing interviews. It inspired me to do the same and I have my first interview lined up for next week (a feature for my coffee blog). Yay!

  2. TOMAS

    Chris, that’s awesome to hear! Let me know how it goes; we can share notes on interview techniques.

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