TEDx is Coming to Phoenix!

TEDxPhoenix - TEDx in Phoenix!

It’s obvious that things have slowed down on The Closet Entrepreneur and the reason is simple — I’m part of the organizing committee that is working on bringing TEDxPhoenix to the Phoenix-metro communities.

What is TEDxPhoenix?

If you’re not familiar with the TED Conference, it’s an annual event where the world’s brightest thinkers and doers come together to share amazing ideas worth spreading. Sounds interesting right… but wait there’s more!

TED is now enabling TED fanatics to organize their own local and independent TED-like events. TED provides free tools, promotion on their site, connections to other organizers, and a little piece of the TED brand in the form of the TEDx label. Organizers provide everything else including finding a venue, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers.

If You’re in the Phoenix-Metro Area…

I would love to have you join us for the event which is scheduled to take place on Friday, November 6th at the Mesa Arts Center — you can get your TEDxPhoenix tickets here. I would even encourage you to join us if you’re in the Tucson, Sedona, and Flagstaff areas as well.

The event is going to feature some of Arizona’s leading experts in the fields of education, sustainability, entrepreneurship, and science. In addition, you’ll be joined by like-minded individuals who are interested in leveraging ideas, education, design, and technology to help create a better future for the Valley and beyond.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, then please join us on the…

If You’re Not in the Phoenix-Metro Area…

The first thing I would recommend is checking out the TEDx event page to see if there’s a TEDx event going on in your neck of the woods. If there isn’t, then I would highly recommend hosting a TEDx event in your local community.

I’m not going to lie to you, but putting on a TEDx event with more than 100 attendees is a lot of work. Not only are you in charge of every event detail, but you’ll have to find some genuine TEDsters that have been to a TED Conference in the last 24 months to help organize the event, and that’s not always a possibility. Also, you will have to sign up, get permission, and adhere to the rules set forth by the TED organization.

My advice is to start small with an event less than 100 people. you still have to sign up and get permission to host the event, but all you need to do is find a large meeting room or classroom with a projector then add a few of your closest friends and you’re set. If enough interest is stirred up, then I would recommend thinking about organizing a bigger event.

Still Don’t See What the Big Deal is About TEDx?

It’s hard to explain what TEDx is if you’ve never seen a TEDTalk, so we’ve setup a TEDx in Plain English page on the TEDxPhoenix website that showcases some of our favorite TEDTalks and I highly recommend checking them out. I’ve embedded one of my favorite talks by Hans Rosling below, but there are a ton of great talks for you to choose from.

[Feed and email subscribers, please visit the blog post if the video does not show.]

In Conclusion…

In the end, TEDx is about inspiring, enlightening, and entertaining via ideas worth sharing — TEDx is also about creating a better future in your local community and beyond.

In addition to that, organizing an event is a tremendous way to learn how to create and organize a team, secure funding, and brand and market an event. Sound like something a budding entrepreneur may have to do at some point? … it should because it is.

Although I’m knee deep in TEDxPhoenix activities, I would still be happy to answer any questions you may have about the event. Also, I would love to know what your favorite TEDTalk is, so feel free to share it in the comments below if you have one!

Last but not least, I hope to see all the Phoenix locals who read this blog on the TEDxPhoenix Facebook page and at the event!

The Closet Entrepreneur

» This entry was filed under Advice

One Comment

  1. Jim

    A great video on/from TED with Dr Hans Rosling. Yes, I have often wondered if not where all that date is, certainly HOW to get at it in a useful format. Dr. Rosling presented a remarkable and easily understandable visual display of changes and dynamaics in the world economy, infant mortality, econonic development and the need to be ‘highly contextualized’ in our understanding of our world.

    Thank You Tomas

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