Overnight Prints
I really liked the new Tornado Design business cards that Chris created using OvernightPrints.com. I took a pic of the card (it’s difficult to show the quality of the finished product over the web); the rounded edges and UV coating are especially nice. Check them out if you’re in the market for some new business cards.
The Closet Entrepreneur

» This entry was filed under General
Well, I had designed my business card on the website and was prepared to submit my order. Before doing so, I decided to browse Google for some coupons to try to offset the cost of shipping. However, I ran across this site and was curious to look at some of the comments. Needless to say, I backed out and decided not to order from this company. It wasn’t a large order I was going to place. I was just gonna order 100 or so business cards just to give them a try. After reading all the negative feedback, I don’t feel it’s worth my time ordering. I’m not willing to take that risk right now. I really do need some business cards ordered before I travel across the country, but I think I’ll just wait for the next trip.
Apr 20th, 2007
Matt Fonk
Thanks for the comments. I see customer service really does matter. We pick up the phone m-f 8:30-5 Eastern. You can ask for Matt. I will help you with your order. We stand behind our customers because were on your side!!!
Thanks for the industry comments, they make me feel better about our business!!!
Apr 23rd, 2007
Jane Chin
I’ve used ONP many times to print business cards (including multiple card designs within the same order), and so far have been satisfied with their turnaround time and quality of cards. I’m sorry to hear about the negative experiences other people have had; I personally have been very satisfied with them.
Jane (no conflicts to disclose)
Apr 24th, 2007
Another scary thing about overnightprints, is that customer invoices are open to everyone on the web. A violent ex of mine googled me and got my home address from my online invoice at overnightprints.com.
Double beware to use these guys.
Apr 29th, 2007
Nicole Wong
I just got off the phone with overnight prints, and i am hopping mad! I order some business cards from the company, and tracked them on line. I notice that the package came up to canada, and then back to louisville where the package initially started from. I contacted the company, and was told that the problem had been rectified, and that the cards would be arriving today. Here is the email I received from the company,
“Dear Valued Customer,
As per our conversation on last evening. I have followed up with the UPS
order and the order will be shipped to you by today Wednesday 05/02/07.”
I tracked the package today, and found that there was no way that it was going to get up to Canada today. I called the company, and was told by Aaron that the customer service rep made a mistake, and that they won’t be arriving until Friday! Despite ADMITTING that they made a big mistake ( I now have a meeting with clients tomorrow without business cards) they are insisting the COMPANY did not make the mistake, it was their EMPLOYEE who was at fault. And that UPS was at fault as well since they misdirected the package anyways. Does that make sense to anyone?? Doesn’t the employee represent the company when they are paid to be customer service representatives??
The manager I had spoken with just made a bad situation a whole lot worse. I can understand that mistakes happen, as long as the company tries to rectify the problem. His solution was to give me 10% off my next purchase. NEXT PURCHASE???? That is just plain insulting.
Can you please write back to me, I feel frustrated, taken advantage of, and just plain angry.
May 2nd, 2007
William Ratliff
I am very surprised at all the negative feedback. I made up two entirely different orders. Both orders were great quality, great looking and professionally done.
May 22nd, 2007
Well, was just about to hit the submit button to place an order, but decided to google ONP first because their ‘secure’ order form has no security icon showing on my browser which made me suspicious.
Glad I found this site and all the negative comments, seems I saved myself and my company alot of time by NOT placing an order today.
May 31st, 2007
Jon Berry
Hi all, I want to add my OvernightPrints.com saga here. The good news is, mine has a happy ending, but it took some work to get to it. This is actually the short version(!):
I ordered my first business cards through Overnight Prints almost a year ago. Two-sided cards with a photographic image on the back, even small type on a black background – the printing was awesome, and I loved the thick card stock. I designed some cards for a friend, again, great quality aside from a lot of mis-cuts, but that’s hard to complain about given the speed and price. Last fall, I ordered a batch of oversize postcards through Overnight – again, really great printing and love the cardstock. No complaints. Three successful orders with no complaints. And all three arrived before the promised date.
Then in April, I ordered another batch of 250 oversize postcards. When they arrived, I noticed they were packed differently than the earlier batch, but didn’t think much about them. I quickly looked through a few and the printing again looked great. A few days later, when putting address labels on, I ran out of cards about halfway through my address list. It turns out I only had about 175 cards. Never having a problem with Overnight prints, I just sent an email asking them what I could do. I never received a response, so a couple days later I called Customer Service. I went through the long wait (while being told I was next in line) and got hung up on. I called again, waited again, and got an agent. I told him the problem and he dismissed the problem by offering a discount on my next order. I said thanks, but I really just wanted the rest of the order I paid for – even just 70 more cards would be fine. He snipped they could only print in batches of 100. So I said 100 would be fine. Clearly annoyed, he put me on hold and finally came back to say fine, they could do that. I asked if I could get an email confirmation, and he said no, but I would get an email when they shipped.
A week later having not heard anything, I called back. I explained the whole situation and he asked who I had talked to. I didn’t know, but it sounded like the same guy. He was short off the bad and told me they couldn’t reprint until they filed a claim with UPS. I explained that the packaging was fine – no damage, and that there was even filler plastic in the box. The box had arrived in perfect condition, it just didn’t have the full order in it. He said it didn’t matter, they had to file with UPS anyway. And even though they would eventually reprint, he wouldn’t do it until an investigation was done. I asked if there was anyone else I could talk to and he said no. I was sure to ask his name this time (James).
At that point I did a google search and found the complaints like on this thread. Through this, I also got the email for Danny Kemp and fired off an email explaining the matter to him and to Customer Service that night. Within an hour I got a snippy email from Customer Service saying that nothing could happen until a UPS investigation occurred. But the next morning, I had a very nice email from Danny apologizing for everything that had happened. He said they would reprint the order and have it to me as fast as possible. When they were supposed to arrive, the UPS tracking showed there was an exception and the box was empty (it seemed to be UPS’s fault according to their tracking). I let Danny know, and he said they would print yet another batch. Those arrived, and as usual, the printing (except for a few natural glitched ones) was perfect.
So… my lesson is, I still prefer their quality of printing and stock over other places I have tried. Their customer service, aside from Danny Kemp, is terrible. (His life has to be hell putting up with all of this, but he was great.) For now, I will still use them as long as I have the luxury of time to deal with a problem, should it happen. I have gone ahead and ordered a new batch of business cards from them today. I’ll report here on the results of those as well.
Jun 5th, 2007
After all that you still use the same service?
You either got alot of time or the patience of Job.
I have neither.
Jun 6th, 2007
These little ‘testimonials’ have all been pretty interesting. I have used overnightprints.com several times and have had a very mixed bag of experiences. The first time I used them was for business cards, and aside from the outlandish shipping costs, the quality was very good. The only problem is that ‘overnightprints’ apparently really means ‘oneweeklaterprints’. But since it wasn’t a rush job, I didn’t mind.
But the next job I ordered was brochures and another business card design and the results were pretty bad. Despite having a professional designer create my card design, the prepess guys at overnightprints.com screwed up (there were even crop marks on the original design, I dont know how it came out how it did), and the cards came out horrible. I contacted them to try to fix the situation but I got very little help. I ended up ordering new cards (and a new design) from http://www.redgorilla.org. They helped me find a local printer and gave me the design work for my cards, which ended up working out much better.
Overnightprints.com seems to be really hit-and-miss. But I have to say for my part that although my first job was nicely done, I probably will be looking elsewhere from now on. I don’t need to pay 40$ extra for shipping, especially when it’s not overnight shipping. I’ve started working with several local printers and so far things have worked out great.
Jun 11th, 2007
Jon Berry
I am following up as promised on my earlier report (see above). I just received a new batch of business cards from Overnight Prints and they came in on-time and great quality. Like my first batch of cards, these use a photo on the back and have small white type on a black field on the front (not recommended, because printers usually can have trouble with the type getting filled in). Despite the bad service experience I had above on my last order, I have to give them kudos for the great job of printing. In full disclosure, there were probably a little over 20 misprints in the batch (of 250). To me, that’s pretty normal with most print jobs, so I don’t have a problem with that, especially at this price. For now, after five orders with them and one bad experience, I’m sticking with Overnight. Their quality of stock and of printing is better than I’ve found for other similar vendors. I just know not to use them on time sensitive orders because if there is a problem, it can take some time to remedy. I do definitely recommend contacting Danny Kemp (marketing@overnightprints.com) if you get the same runaround from Customer Service that I and other posters on this board have had problems with.
Jun 13th, 2007
Joseph Simpson
I’m experiencing much the same thing. I ordered 100 brochures from Overnight Prints in May. I was charged twice for my order. It’s been six weeks and I still haven’t been able to get the overcharge removed. I’ve called them (no less than 15 times)and emailed them (no less than 12 times. Everyone I’ve spoken with tells me I have to speak to someone else, then I either get dumped into a voicemail system (where no one ever returns the call)or I’m sent back into the loop to wait for the next person who will not have an answer either.
Overnight Prints has a good product but their customer service is the worst I’ve ever seen. I’m contacting the BBB this week also.
Joe S.
Jun 18th, 2007
Amazing, glad I canned my orders.
Been using Printsmadeeasy.com for the last 40,000 cards at 10k per order, everytime they arrive earlier by 1 day at least and look great. Even got 1000 business cards for free from them, well, you know “free” isn’t really free… but still a nice gesture on their part. The postcards are actually .03 cents cheaper than local printers i’ve used and they are at least 7 days faster than the local guys even with shipping time included.
It actually takes longer for my mailing service to process than it takes to get them printed. I think I will be switching to PME to do the mailing also.
Good luck with overnightprints.
Jun 19th, 2007
Jessie Koch
I’m pretty busy so won’t tell all the stories, but will say that after their many mistakes including switching my postcard order with someone else’s, faded print jobs, crooked cuts, blue that looks purple, LONG waits on customer service hold, emailing back and forth with customer service to NO avail, etc…. AND NEVER ANY RECOMPENSE, NOT EVEN THE OFFER OF A FUTURE DISCOUNT, I’M DONE WITH OVERNIGHT PRINTS!!! AND AFTER WAITING AN EXTRA WEEK OR SO WHEN THEY SENT ME SOMEONE ELSE’S POSTCARDS, THEY WOULDN’T EVEN OVERNIGHT ME THE REPRINTS BEACUSE IT’S COST THEM TOO MUCH!!! CAN YOU TELL BY THE CAPS THAT I’M GETTING STEAMED UP AGAIN?! The postcard stock is thick and prices cheap, that’s why I was so tolerant of the many ordeals, but it’s more hassle than it’s worth and if you have timed pieces, you absolutely cannot count on this company. All the stuff on their website about how they’ll reimburse you if not satisfied, all that lovely great customer service talk is BULLCRAP!!! They have shown me, a regular customer with a list of past print jobs in the 1000’s, that they don’t value my business. I am a realtor in WA looking for a better print company with thick glossy card stock for postcards. Any ideas or past successes are welcome. It’s almost time for asnother order.
Jun 27th, 2007
After reading these comments last Thursday evening I placed my order for 500 brochures with Overnight Prints with some trepidation. I was in a jam and I needed them ASAP. According to their schedule, I should have received them on Wednesday (the show started this past Saturday and runs nine days).
I was pleasantly surprised when they arrived via UPS overnight this morning (Monday), two days ahead of schedule. The quality is great and they arrived is good condition.
One reason I placed my order after reading about so many negative experiences is I had placed about six calls to them for help in resolving online issues, and I got through to a representative either right away or after a wait of less thana minute. They were all courteous and eager to please.
The bottom line is I submitted my order just before their deadline late on Thursday and my order arrived in Ohio on Monday before 9:30 am. I would use them again.
Jul 16th, 2007
AR-D 2020
OVERNIGHT PRINTS SUCK A** – DO NOT BUY ANY SERVICES FROM THEM EVER!!! I have filed a complaint with the BBB as well. They even tried to charge me a higher shipping charge for a re-order of the same job!
Use PSPRINT.COM instead. They have all their operation on site.
Jul 24th, 2007
Overnightprints.com opened a facility in the West end of Louisville Kentucky. The purpose of this on the city’s end was to create jobs in a crime riddin area and “ending the hopelessness”. The area of town this is in is known for it’s people (drug dealers and murderers) I think we’re up to 40 homicides this year. A good sum up of why you people are having your problems, worthless people put out a worthless product.
Aug 3rd, 2007
This will be a long story so I’ll try to give the condensed version. A little background: I currently work for a place that does a LOT of print work, and I work on my own as a freelance designer. I’ve been a designer for over 10 years so I would hope that I’ve learned a thing or two in that time and I’m certainly not perfect, but I do know my job.
Being new in my current job as the manager of marketing, I “inherited” some print vendors that the company had already been using. One of these vendors was ONP. I was very reluctant, having had a bad experience with them in the past (and a really bad customer service experience of same). However, since my new coworker stated that they had had good luck with them, I gave it another try. A few orders went through just fine, despite a delivery issue once that eventually got rectified. BUT I recently ordered some brochures… and apparently ONP is NEW to folded brochures… and these were a huge nightmare.
First, there was no spec information online for the brochure panels, so I called and got that read to me over the phone. OK. So I designed the brochure with exactly those specs. After some thought, I decided to design it in a way that the images overlapped the panels on both sides, so that if the brochures were misfolded at all, it wouldn’t be too obvious.
Then, for whatever reason, my InDesign saved as pdf file would not upload… at all. I called a few times to their support staff who went over the file with me a couple of times, and even they could not figure it out. They wanted me to email the 18mg file to them (9 mgs per side) which I could not do from work, so I remotely emailed from my personal email account (and have no copy of) to get it to them. Meanwhile, when I called to make sure it came through (which it did not because of their email system being down) I spoke with a new person in the design department that stated that she could just upload it from the back end if I wanted to email it again to her attention, then they would send me an invoice via email.
Since I had spent well over 2-1/2 hours trying to get this upload and on the phone with people, I was releived to have it taken care of and in the works.
Here’s where it really fell apart. Because my file had overlapping images, someone there decided that my panels were incorrect. Now, if you are a designer, you know that a pdf cannot be changed per panel, unless someone puts it into an application and deliberatly changes them. There is just no way. It could be stretched as a whole perhaps, or condensed as a whole, but not panel by panel, as it is one file. So, someone there decides that because the images overlap, that my panels are incorrect, and they stretch some panels, then squish others–by as much as 30%!! When I received the printed brochures, I was floored. This reworking was immediately evident by the front panel which I designed with a circle shape, but comes to me as an egg shape.
Needless to say, I called them immediately, and I got the serious runnaround by the CS reps. They stated that they didn’t have any notes that they changed anything– therefore my file must have been like that (remember, I didn’t upload it either, they did) and that I would have to pay for reprints and new shipping. This was after the original person in the design department, the one that uploaded it for me, stated that they do occasionally correct or change the panels on a brochure. WHICH is it? When I got the same ridiculous answers again, I asked for a supervisor who was of course, not available. I had to call three times to get to a supervisor, who just gave me the same party line. No notes that anything was changed, that I must have sent it in that way… bladah, bladah.
Meanwhile, I called a local printer and had them reprinted, very quickly and very nicely. A place that actually knows what it is to appreciate business from their customers.
At that point, I decided to get a refund ONP, based upon there supposed customer guarantee. After playing phone tag with the “customer retention” person about 4 times, I finally spoke to him and was basically told that I had to prove that this was done incorrectly. I ended up sending him the samples of the brochure that they did, and the one that was correct, and a copy of the orginal files on disc. When he eventually called me back, again it was stated that it was not their fault. How much more can I give them to prove it? If I couldn’t prove that the file I sent was correct and emailed, and send him a copy of the email, well then, they just couldn’t help me. It is NEVER their fault.
What he agreed to do is to have me send back the product (at our expense of course) and they will give us store credit. So basically, I have to use them again so they can make good on the guarantee and I have to pay to ship the order back and pay for shipping again on the new order where the credit will be applied. Wow.
If you use ONP, you may be happy a few times, but keep in mind that chances are that you will eventually set yourself up for a no win frustration and dissapointment. All those folks who gave them kudos here– you’ll be back– and you won’t be writing accolades.
Personally my company won’t be using them again as long as I’m the manager here, and I will be pursuing a better resolution through filing a complaint with the BBB.
Aug 13th, 2007
Aimee Friend
after reading the above comments I felt I should share 🙂
I have been using ONP for several years now. All but one of my orders were flawlessly executed. This last spring I received a messed up shipment. The reason was because someone had forgotten to put packing material in the box so my post cards obviously had quite a roller coaster ride. I must admit their phone hold times are not fun but once I reached a live person they promptly fixed the problem by reprinting and shipping the order. Their paper and thickness is superior to most on the internet … in terms of misregistration I would tend to blame the designer not the printer … it’s digital not press! Perhaps I have had a better experience since I am located in southern california … who knows! 🙂 But I will continue to use their services!!! (My clients have loved their products as well!)
Aug 14th, 2007
I been using Overnightprints.com for about a year now. Of all the business cards I ordered through them, only a few were shipped wrong. Of those cards that were shipped incorrectly, they we quickly reprinted and overnighted, plus I was given a discount for future new orders. I’ve had no complaints on their quality or production times as they are very satisfactory.
Note: Color-critical designs need to be done elsewhere. For files you can just convert to a CMYK tif, these guys will do just fine. Suggestions: Check your color values in the tiff file. Example: make sure black text is not a cmyk build, only 100% black. This is Just to prevent registration issues. I think their LPI is a 133 or 150, not sure.
About the only real complaints I have are the telephone wait times and I did have some brochures come back to be poorly packaged where they were damaged in the shipping process. Plus the folds were off.
Aug 14th, 2007
I have used Overnightprints.com on 2 occasions after they were recommended by a friend of mine who used them, and I have no complaints. After reading this board however, I dont want to eat those words and risk having a problem. Does anyone else have any other companies they can recommend online for printing business cards and stationary?
Aug 19th, 2007
overnightprints.com is horrible!
the quality is horrible, customer service is horrible & rude, if you have an issue good luck getting a refund!
this company has some of the worst business practices I have ever encountered.
order ships damaged (bent corners), round corner/die cut option is horrible.
this company is horrible!
Aug 20th, 2007
and the printing quality is disgusting.
inconsistancy of color.
streaks in prints.
scpre/folds have chipped paint.
Aug 20th, 2007
Cal Riften
Aug 21st, 2007
I don’t know what you guys are doing wrong, but I love OP. I have ordered thousands of postcards and business cards over the last 6 months. They always turn out with amazing clarity and quality, even when I use noon-stock photos. The stuff I get has been double and single sided and I have tried glossy vs non-glossy. I am always extrememly happy with the turn-out…we have given up on local business, because OP is higher quality and has more personalization. One of my orders didn’t show upp right (picture was little fuzzy) I contacted them and they had me upload the picture again and they sent the replacement at no extra cost and rush delivery…turned out great and didn’t even have to send back the (semi) deffective ones.
Aug 27th, 2007
Ahhhhhh ! Kevin is the one, I recall ONP saying they have a happy “customer” .. Kevin must be the one. Any relatives working there? There are other blogs about this company, Kevin your experience is one that is few and far between judging by the responses all around….But I admit that in sales people always remember the time you screwed up and not the 1000 times things went perfect….thats when the personality and performance of the customer service rep is critical in retaining the unsatisfied customer, sadly, this is the dept that ONP seems to have left in a small corner of the web filled basement.
Aug 30th, 2007
I’ve used ONP for a run of business cards, and three runs of postcards.
So far, the only problem I had was due to my own error–I was in a hurry and didn’t doublecheck my image.
I’m disturbed to read about the problems some of you have had, but I’ve had no personal experience to disuade me from using them.
Sep 11th, 2007
The problem with ONP is that their Customer Service is horrible. There are always issues in a service business, but their inability to take responsibility for their errors is extremely unprofessional. If I say I am sending a client something on a particular day, it is my responsibility to get it there. Period.
They are just awful, and I would say I’m never using them again, except that I have 2 credits left to use from past screw ups that they refused to refund. Ugh.
Sep 12th, 2007
I’ve been using ONP for over two years now, and overall have been impressed, however, when they screw up they screw up good. The last two orders that I”ve placed have been a nightmare, one shipment arrived in 5 (five) UPS shipments, and this last order was worldwide express, ordered on the 13/09/07, was supposed to be shipped out on Friday as it was a priority shipment, and as of today, still awaiting it to be cut, and shipped. Not shipped yet and paid 250.00 to have it shipped express. Ask me if I’m pissed, and no freakin supervisor on staff at 6:30 pm to address my issues. Not impressed guys. You can do better, especially now you have two plants, in the US, the size of 3 football fields.
Sep 17th, 2007
Sorry that a lot of people are having such problems, you get what you pay for. Everyone wants excellent work on the cheap and it is hard to believe that you can get what you want for almost nothing. Who do you think is printing this stuff? All the pressmen that knew anything have been thrown out the door. Today, it is people not experienced in the printing trade and the sales team has no interest in customer service except numbers. It looks like this company needs a competent logistics person. This has to be a small business trying to exploit the internet. This kind of service/quality or lack of, is happening thoughout the USA in all sectors.
Sep 18th, 2007
Benny Hill
This is just a follow up to my experience with OP in November of 2006 (I just stumbled across this link in my bookmarks). You can read my previous post here: http://theclosetentrepreneur.com/overnightprintscom#comment-526
I was promised to have replacement cards in my hands by the end of the week and they managed to do that however those replacement cards were also worthless. That time instead of a severe green tint the replacement cards had a pink tint which looked awful.
I wrote a snail mail letter to Danny Kemp and mailed it to him with one of the green tinted cards, one of the pink tinted cards and one that was correct so he could see that I wasn’t just making things up. I never received any sort of reply (no phone call, no e-mail, nothing).
Danny was a nice guy to talk to and seemed to genuinely want to help me, I have nothing bad to say about him however his employer is worthless. I will never again do business with OP and I have steered people away (and will continue to do so) whenever I can.
Sep 18th, 2007
Wow, I thought it was just me. I started with overnight prints and the first business card I did came out nice. So, using the same exact colors I created other business cards and placed my order. What a mistake! Colors came out all wrong, yellow was bluish-yellow, green was light, dark blue was more like light sky blue. Asked for a reprint. Reprint better but not that good.
Now, I printed some brochures. This time, I specifically asked for 100% CYMK yellow color. Instead I got a bluish yellow color. They could not even fold them right, with one side being folded too much and sticking out from the entire brochure.
When I called their support department and selected option 5 to see what can be done or order a reprint no one picked up the phone although they advertise being there 24/7.
When I finally got to speak with someone through other options, they said that the yellow is fine, and there is nothing wrong with folding. If this is their standard of “fine” then I am not ordering from this company any more printing.
They said that they can give me a shipping label to send the entire order back to see if they will do a re-print or not. But I have a show coming up in 3 days (which was the original reason I asked for a 2 day air shipping). They said, that if I don’t ship entire thing back they will not do a re-print.
I think the quality of OvernightPrint is C level, and if this satisfies you then use it. If you want a top quality print to represent the image of your company then opt in to pay a little more and get a better product.
Sep 21st, 2007
Overnight prints is customr service idiots! Mu order was received completely wrong and when reprinted there were 2 more errors that they found when inspecting my order.They never notified me of the delays and lost out on my cuatomer because of them..I requested full refund and they said they could only give me a credit for future order..I referenced theie 100% Risk free offer that is on the website and they arill refused to refund, after i clearly stated what that 100% risk free guarent means they transfewred me to the returns dept. Instaead of bitching about their horrible customer service jsut reference the 100% risk free and by law they have to issue you refund. We are the customer we tell them what we need to be happy, they don’t tell us. Hit them where it hurts and that is the bank account issuing all refunds
Sep 21st, 2007
Fast and responsive, been using them since dumping OP. Even if you submit something to PME using your specs, if they see something that might cause you to be unhappy with the results they will contact you before they print it and give you suggestions! It’s like having a “buddy” working at PME when dealing with PME! Talk about piece of mind now, PME has cut the worry and follow-up for me by 60% easy. I no longer have to worry about my own dumb mistakes screwing the order up ! I can’t say enough about PME, their name says it all PRINTS MADE EASY !
PS and no I don’t work for PME, and I sure as heck will not use anyone else anymore. Better sign off now…I could go on and on about PME saving me time and money.
Sep 26th, 2007
I ordered 2 sets of cards from OP earlier this year and aside from a little lag time, didn’t have an issue. It seems though that there are so many problems with them and even more every day. I will not use them again. I am going to look elsewhere for my printing needs. Unfortunate for them though, I was going to be quite a large client. They need to take a second look at what they are doing. One or two caring people can’t carry an entire printing business.
Oct 5th, 2007
I just submitted an order yesterday. I went with them due to their great website, decent prices, and I’ve known people that were content with their services. Now, running across this website, I am a little nervous. I just receive my order by Tuesday, if I have any complaints, I will email Danny Kemp directly.
Next time, I will try printsmadeasy.
Oct 6th, 2007
I am so frustrated by my on-going headache with Overnight Prints!!! I ordered some postcards for a marketing campaign from them on 9/11/07. Today is the 17th of Nov. and my order is still wrong and I can’t get a refund! First, I was informed that they were backed up and standard shipping was going to take a few weeks. So, I upgraded to faster shipping. The order still didn’t come until a few weeks later. Then when I opened the order it was wrong. I called customer service, and after waiting on hold for 45 minutes, was told it was their printing error and they would re-print to correct the blurriness and the color. I then had to wait for them to send me a shipping label, which took another 3 days. I finally sent the 1st order back and after waiting again for a couple of weeks, the second order came. Go figure, the order was still wrong and looked the same as the first. So, I call customer service and wait another 35 minutes on hold. I finally get through and they transfer me to a voicemail for the returns supervisor. I leave Aimee H. a message and wait 2 days for her to call me back (even though her voicemail says within 24 hours). Then she leaves me a message and I call her back and she doesn’t pick up. Another 2 days goes by. I finally talk to her today and she needs me to send back a sample of 10-15 of the second set of postcards to verify that the order was wrong. She tells me that there was probably an error with the type of file I sent in the first place. Once she receives these, she has to send another freakin shipping label, and even then I might only get credit. I will never use Overnight Prints again and I don’t want their credit!
Oct 17th, 2007
Before this week we were big fans of ONP and had never had a problem. Then we ordered 5000 Brochures from them and all of them had orange and black color spots that were not on the proof. Unfortunately, our client needed them now so we could not wait for a reprint even though we had called ONP and they offered to reprint them for free. In our case we had 2 orders still outstanding when we got our first botched order. The other two came in and both had errors.
The letterhead came in with white spots on the top where it looks like the ink skipped a spot. About 15% of the postcards that came in also had white splotches on the back where it looked like the printer had tried to put down ink but wasn’t able to.
We contacted customer service who gave us the run around. Due to the time sensitive nature of the postcards we could not afford to have a reprinted so we decided to take them as is. We are using them in an direct mail campaign with an expiration date listed on them. I asked for a refund since they did not want to reprint the letterhead. A guy named Marcus hung up in the process of the transfer to the GET THIS “customer retention dept” I am surprised they even bother with thier lack of quality control. I had to call back and wait for another 30 minutes. I asked to have the name of the president/ceo/or owner of the company so I could write them a letter outlining my problems with their company and the woman that I spoke with said she didn’t know who the head of the company was. Yeah Right like I am going to believe that. They just don’t want all the customer complaints.
I will attempt to contact them via the marketing@overnightprints.com e-mail address and hope that this will reconcile the situation. If not I will file a dispute with Visa and the BBB.
Yes the orders we have done in the past have been ok but I will never trust them with another order. They will not receive my business again.
Oct 18th, 2007
One of our subsidiary companies has been putting print jobs through Overnight Prints for several years, dozens of jobs a month, and have never experienced any problems that have not been resolved immediately and with a friendly attitude.
Perhaps it would help to look into the mirror at your own approach toward the folks at OP before trying to second guess and criticize them. You should also look at the quality of the artwork or lack thereof you submitted for production in the first place.
They are printers, not miracle workers. You know the saying…garbage in…garbage out. Happens all the time on custom printed jobs.
If your expectations are realistic Overnight Prints is great. Disputing the quality of the print job to justify disputing the bill is quite common on custom jobs of all kinds. Some of the previous criticism sounds like it falls into this area.
Oct 19th, 2007
So you think it is acceptable that I re-print the same graphic 2 times and get radically different colors? In one case, yellow looks more like green. In another case the colors are fine, but the folding is way off, not even straight. Finally on the last re-print the colors look washed out, blue looks more like light sky blue but the folding is OK. So I settle for the best of the 3.
Is it too much to expect that the same document would print out about the same every time you print it?
Is it too much to expect that the folding is proper according to the specifications that were published on the site?
Is it too much to expect that someone might take a look at the final output to see that the quality of the fold or the printing is just not right?
Is it too much to expect that the prints arrive without the same scratch on every print resulting from a bad or damaged roller somewhere in the pipeline?
In some cases, you put good stuff in but garbage comes out. Have you ever thought of that?
I am glad that the company you are talking about has had no problems, however, many of the people here would disagree.
Oct 19th, 2007
If it is “one of our subsidary companies” that has been “putting print jobs through..” How would you know what it took to get to finish product and how long? or even if it finally was produced by OP? Just a thought.
Oct 20th, 2007
I just wanted to thank everyone for sharing their experiences with Overnight Prints on the blog. A year and a half and 90 comments later, and I think it’s time to put this discussion to rest. If you have an issue with ONP, then please read through the comments to see what others have had problems with and what process they used to resolve them. As for ONP, I’ve never used your service, yet good luck on getting all the kinks ironed out.
The Closet Entrepreneur
~this post is now closed for comments~
Oct 21st, 2007