Liven Up Your Presentation With A Crappy Graph!

Did you know that the average adult has a 20 minute attention span? That’s something to consider before embarking on a 30 minute long PowerPoint presentation. Yet what if your presentation requires 30 minutes or more, then what do you do? Thankfully you’re in luck because prolonging your audience’s attention span is as simple as giving them a break, and a break can take the form of a story, a demo, or better yet – some humor.

With that in mind, it’s worth taking a look at Brain Shaler’s new Crappy Graph Builder the next time you’re in need of a humorous break to keep your audience from an impending slumber. The Crappy Graph Builder gives users the option to create a custom line graph or Venn diagram complete with axis labels and text inserts. Once you’re done perfecting your crappy graph, you can submit and share your graph with friends and other crappy graph users. If you want to use your graph in a presentation, you can either take a screen capture of your graph and paste it into your presentation, or you can right-click your graph and save the image to your computer then insert it into your presentation.

The Crappy Graph Effect

Of course, it’s worth noting that a crappy graph can be utilized anytime your homework, business plan, thesis, blog, et cetera is in need of some comic relief and/or a unique way to get your point across. Yet regardless of how you decide to utilize this crappy application, it’s definitely a nice tool to keep in mind whenever you need a little humor to liven up your presentation.

The Closet Entrepreneur

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  1. Great review of Crappy Graphs! I really think people should take your advice on this.

  2. TOMAS

    Thanks Brain! You’ve got a pretty sweet webapp there — hope it brings you much success in your quest to be #1 for the search term “crappy”. 🙂

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