Five Fun, Functional, and Successful Websites That Make You Smile

I’m in the process of creating a website for my small-business (more on that very soon – I pinky swear) and have been looking to various sites for inspiration. So far, the websites that have caught my eye are sites that immediately make you smile and laugh while not detracting from their functionality or purpose.

I’ve always used humor as a way to relate to people, find acceptance, push someone’s buttons, flirt, schmooze, insult someone, break the ice, and once in a while actually try to make someone laugh. The only problem is that people get the impression that all I do is joke around, and at times that leads to people not taking me seriously altogether. It’s not the kind of impression I want to make when asking a potential customer to trust in me and my business, so I’m hoping to create my site in a way that embodies my personality and can allow users to enjoy themselves yet still convey some professionalism.

Side Note: I’m in no way saying that a website has to make someone smile to be effective, yet it doesn’t hurt to leave a user chuckling once in a while. If I remember correctly, the process of laughing and smiling releases endorphins which have various health benefits including stress and pain relief.

Anyway, I thought I would share a list of five great sites that I’ve found to be fun, functional, successful, and able to put a smile on a user’s face. Feel free to drop a comment and list any useful sites that you get a kick out of while using on a regular basis.

• Photojojo


• Trizoko


• Wufoo


• Feedburner


• Woot


The Closet Entrepreneur

Post Scriptum: Here’s a nice article by Kathy Sierra from Creating Passionate Users about making users smile: Who’d you make smile today?

» This entry was filed under Humor


  1. kayla

    ha ha ha this seems like fun

  2. ava

    these websites are so cool!!!! Thx!!!

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