Farewell 2006!

Bye 2006 - Hello 2007!I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to 2006, but like they say “Better late than never!”

So, first I wanted to say thank you to Chris Tingom, Mister Shape, Ahmed Farooq, Aaron Paul, and The FruitGuys for taking time out of their busy schedules for an interview! Transcribing the audio interviews was painfully tedious but definitely worth all the great business advice!

I also wanted to send a shout out to Andrewnizzle, Tango, Steve Olson, Jason “Be Bold” Duncan, Anup, Mark F, Mark A, Chris T, Mister Shape and J-Dawg for keeping my RSS reader chocked full of insightful posts and good laughs! There’s a reason you’re all receiving some link love in the comfy confines of my blog footer!

I also wanted to send out a big THANK YOU to the css, javascript, ajax, and php gurus who busted their arses to create some awesome WordPress plug-ins:

I also wanted to recognize del.icio.us and Bloglines for making my life so much easier!

And last but not least, I wanted to recognize my fiancée and future sister-in-law for always supporting and believing in me, life wouldn’t be the same without you! And of course, my parents and my little sister for all the love you’ve given me and all the headaches I’ve given in return!

Oh wait, I almost forgot someone… oh yeah, all the Closet Entrepreneur readers who grace this blog with your presence! So what the heck are you still doing here, go click on the links and give someone some much deserved credit for making your 2006 great!

The Closet Entrepreneur

» This entry was filed under General


  1. Happy New Year Tomas. Keep up the good work on the useful posts on this site. It features prominently in my RSS reader.

  2. TOMAS

    Happy New Year to you too Anup! You’ve got a good thing going on over at rantlust; can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2007!

  3. Cheers Tomas, 2006 was a good year, I look forward to 2007!

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