The DIY Cheapskate Laptop Stand

Some uber creative folks have come up with ways to make $20 laptop stands out of IKEA BENJAMIN stools and wire mesh file organizers, but who has $20 to spare nowadays? Also, anyone with access to a pile of books, a shoebox, or a CD spindle is capable of ...

The Orbit Gum Pack Business Card Holder Hack!

Who says you have to spend money to have a unique business card holder? All you really need is an Orbit gum pack and some elbow grease and you'll be one your way to being the life of the party; or at least on your way to saving some ...

Create Multiple Custom Gmail Signatures

If you're an avid Gmail user, then you're familiar with Gmail's custom 'From' address feature for managing multiple email accounts within Gmail. You're probably also familiar with Gmail's custom signature option which can prove cumbersome when sending email from a different account. For example, my regular signature contains ...

Create A Twitter Background Using PowerPoint

Who would've thought that the presentation app used to lull audiences to sleep could also be used to create an appealing Twitter background? The process is fairly simple and only limited by your imagination and Twitter's 800Kb upload limit. Step 1: Download The Twitter Background Template The templates are designed around ...
