An Ergonomic Home Office On The Cheap

I'm not an occupational therapist, but I play one on this blog. Actually, my previous employer was fanatical about proper ergonomics so I can definitely pass the lessons on to you. Plus, now you'll have a reason to run out and share your new found learning with that ...

10 Green Business Ideas For Phoenix Entrepreneurs!

I know you're sick of all the 'green' buzzwords being shoved in your face by celebrities, politicians, and companies jumping on the green bandwagon, yet the fact remains that sustainability and 'going green' is about making money when it comes to entrepreneurship. In regards to Phoenix based entrepreneurs, the ...

How To Choose Your First Business Credit Card

Written for The Closet Entrepreneur by Tisha Kulak... There's such a plethora of credit card offers out there that it's not impossible to understand the confusion and fear when it comes to selecting your first business credit card. With countless rewards benefits and competitive introductory offers, it can be highly ...

Why YOU Should Become A Closet Entrepreneur!

Ask ten individuals what an entrepreneur is and you'll get ten different definitions. Some individuals believe that an entrepreneur is a leader and organizer, while others believe that an entrepreneur is a risk-bearing opportunist waiting to pull the trigger on a new venture. Ultimately, an entrepreneur is someone ...

Declutter Your Home Office – Part 4

Now that you've accumulated more iPods, cell phones, and computer peripherals than you can shake a USB stick at, it's probably time to consider offloading these extra gadgets before your home office turns into Radio Shack. However, before you start chucking all your obsolete and outdated electronics into the ...

Declutter Your Home Office – Part 3

It's instinctive for those of us who grew up with Trapper Keepers and spiral bound notebooks to use paper for writing and note taking. The problem with paper is that it has to be physically stored, organized, and discarded to keep it from becoming clutter. Although numerous software ...

Declutter Your Home Office – Part 2

If there is one thing that angers me to the point of expletives, it's junk mail! Not only does it clutter up your mailbox, but it conveniently puts your personal information out there for everyone to see. Not to mention, a nice percentage of junk mail is actually ...

Declutter Your Home Office – Part 1

Numerous religious and philosophical doctrines have advised mankind that happiness and enlightenment can be found through giving up unnecessary possessions and watching The Simpsons reruns. Personally, I find decluttering to be a natural part of the 'giving up' process so I have been trying my best to only buy ...