About The Closet Entrepreneur

The path to entrepreneurship is getting shorter by the second! What used to take an entrepreneur weeks, even months to achieve can now be accomplished in a few mouse clicks whether it’s incorporating, opening a store, finding a virtual office, or reaching out to thousands of potential customers. The issue is that sometimes we need the safe and steady income of corporate America to bring home the bacon and put a roof over our heads while we embark on our entrepreneurial pursuits. The solution to this problem, become a Closet Entrepreneur!

What is a Closet Entrepreneur?

Simply put, a Closet Entrepreneur is someone who is “in the closet” about entrepreneurship; a.k.a. someone who attends school, has a regular job, or attends to other responsibilities while starting their own business. Closet Entrepreneurs are college students, lawyers, stay-at-home moms, equipment technicians, engineers, and yes – even 12 year-old 6th graders. There are many reasons why individuals seek entrepreneurship – they hate working for “the man”, they seek more fulfillment from their current career path, or they have always dreamed of being their own boss and building a company from the ground up – yet ultimately they seek to change the world, driven by a desire for change or something they have a calling for…

So what does this blog have to do with Closet Entrepreneurs?

Being a Closet Entrepreneur is easy, yet finding the time and resources to start your own business is a different story altogether! What this blog aims to do is provide productivity advice, business resources, and life tips to help you along your way to becoming a full-fledged entrepreneur. In other words, this blog aims to help you get out of the closet and become an entrepreneur!

Not ready for entrepreneurship, then keep on reading!

Even if you’re not ready for entrepreneurship or you’re content with your current career, just thinking like an entrepreneur can help you get ahead in life. Entrepreneurs see opportunity everywhere they look, to an entrepreneur a problem is a gift and an obstacle is a welcomed challenge – the ultimate reward is helping make the world around us a better place. Thinking like an entrepreneur can help you become a better communicator, find new opportunities in your career, and overcome adversity. So if this sounds good to you then Click Here to subscribe to this blog and receive new tips and advice as soon as its posted!

The Closet Entrepreneur
Click Here to contact me…

About the author (written in the obligatory 3rd person narrative)…

Tomas is a native Arizonan who grew up in the small mining community of San Manuel. By day, he’s a process engineer at a Fortune 100 semiconductor firm in Chandler. By night, he’s exploring and brainstorming business ideas and trends. Now, enough with the 3rd person narrative and on to the important stuff…

Likes and Hobbies:

  • College Football – My favorite teams are Arizona State (my alma mater), Stanford (except when they play ASU), and any Pac-10 team playing against UofA.
  • Music – I pretty much enjoy anything that is fresh and unique; recently I’ve been listening to everything from M.I.A. to Spoon to Sergio Mendes.
  • Movies – I’m an independent and international film fan with some of my recent favorites being Black Gold, Why We Fight, Wordplay, Amelie, and Mad Hot Ballroom.
  • Technology and the Web – I recently bought a Mac (15″ Macbook Pro with Santa Rosa in the house) and am loving it! I still use a PC for work, but at home it’s pure Mac. I’m also a Gmail, del.icio.us, Google Reader, WordPress, Viddler, and Last.fm fan. At the moment I’m learning to use my new digital SLR camera; it’s definitely going to take some time before I start posting anything to flickr.
  • Want to know more, then feel free to read Five Little Known Facts About Me.