GTD and BPM Make My Eyes Glaze Over

Written for The Closet Entrepreneur by Sam Carpenter... Yes, I’ve read David Allen’s fine book Getting Things Done, maybe the most popular version of the concept of Business Process Management (BPM). There are lots of other management systems/philosophies too, most of them created by business consultants. Good stuff, much of it, GTD, ...

TEDx is Coming to Phoenix!

It's obvious that things have slowed down on The Closet Entrepreneur and the reason is simple — I'm part of the organizing committee that is working on bringing TEDxPhoenix to the Phoenix-metro communities. What is TEDxPhoenix? If you're not familiar with the TED Conference, it's an annual event where the world's brightest ...

Extreme Slide Makeover: Ignite Edition

There are two things that send me over the edge when it comes to slideshow design, the first is generic circa 1995 slideshow templates and the second is unusable slide real estate. There's nothing I can do to eliminate generic slideshow templates other than to tell you to avoid ...
