138 Days without a Post

From June 28th through November 4th, you may have noticed some inactivity on the blog. Unfortunately, the demands of life, work, and being a closet entrepreneur kept me away from the blog longer than I would’ve liked, so what better way to celebrate signs of life on the blog than running through a little recap – let’s begin:

Since I last posted on the blog in June…

Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet.

• I participated in and completed the ASU Technopolis Fall 2006 LPEC (8/28 – 10/16). It was a great program, well worth the $300 price of admission yet more on that another day.

• I made my life a lot easier by signing up on del.icio.us, Bloglines, Backpack, and updated my browser to to Firefox 2.0. I pretty much use them all religiously.

• I was addicted to Sudoku for about a month.

• I spruced up the blog with a slight variation on the “Fresh” theme by Wolfgang Bartelme (ported to WordPress by iLEMONed). I also added some eye candy by installing Arnaud’s Extended Live Archives plugin, Rupert’s Lightbox plugin, and Martin’s Audio Player plugin.

• I found out that Scion xBs and large puddles of water don’t mix.

• I got into the habit of making changes to the site locally by using XAMPP Lite and this article from [Geeks are Sexy].

• I checked out some great movies on DVD and in the theater. The more memorable ones that come to mind at this moment have to be Who Killed the Electric Car and Wordplay.

• I checked out a couple of CSS and PHP books, but didn’t get around to finishing them except for Blog Design Solutions. It’s a great book by the way, I would definitely recommend it to all the WordPress users.

• And last but not least, I’ve found some much needed focus and clarity in regards to my entrepreneurial endeavors and can’t wait to start sharing all my learnings on the blog! Until then, feel free to bookmark the site or subscribe to the RSS feeds by using the links in this post and on the sidebar!

The Closet Entrepreneur

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